Curious Who You Are Tweeting To? Could A New Analytics Tool Kill Klout? This Week’s Social Media News Has The Answers!

Have you ever wondered what the lifespan of a retweet was or what the average age and education level of a Twitter user is?  Who Are All Of These Tweeple has the answers and other interesting facts about Twitter and its users.  What I found intriguing was that although more women use Twitter than men, men are found to be more influential than women according to the Klout information included in the article.

Speaking of Klout, they should be on the lookout because Twitter is currently having a select group of users test out their new built-in analytics tool according to Mashable. The graphs look like they are going to provide users with lots of useful information.  I’m excited to try it out, but I will have to wait because the analytics service isn’t expected to be released to all Twitter users until the end of the year.

If you have suggestions for future Social Media News articles, want to ask questions or share thoughts, please feel free to email me. Thanks! – Laura