
Facebook’s Timeline: When It’s Coming and What You Can Expect

Timeline is coming soon to a Facebook page near you, but if you just can’t wait and want a sneak peak of how your profile is going to look then this article How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline NOW from Mashable. The article explains with step-by-step instructions and screen shots on how obtain Timeline before everyone else does. Right now the official release date of Timeline is unknown but Facebook sources have revealed that users should be able to opt into Timeline within the next two to four weeks.

Here is a screenshot of what my profile looks like now with Timeline:

Facebook Timeline Screen Shot, Laura Chechette

I like to describe Timeline as my own personal yearbook. It includes all of the information, photos, status updated etc. that you have ever put on Facebook. It also gives you the option to add more details like the birth of a child, bought a house, etc.

The best part is that you can edit your Timeline to only include information that you want to share. So that unflattering or maybe inappropriate photo or status update from your freshman year of college year can be deleted.

The information section of your profile has also received a facelift. It is now much more structured and organized in chronological order.

Facebook Timeline, Information Section Laura Chechette

Currently the Timeline feature is only going to affect the personal profiles on Facebook, but Mashable had a few ad agency’s imagine what fan pages might look like if Facebook decided to change them as well. The article, How Facebook Timeline Might Radically Change the Look of Brand Pages [PICS] includes 12 different screen shots of what brand pages could look like if they change to the Timeline layout as well.

Do you have Timeline? Do you like the changes? Let us know in the comments section.

If you have suggestions for future Social Media News posts, want to be a guest blogger, ask questions or share thoughts, please feel free to email me. Thanks! – Laura


Facebook’s Timeline: When It’s Coming and What You Can Expect

Timeline is coming soon to a Facebook page near you, but if you just can’t wait and want a sneak peak of how your profile is going to look then this article How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline NOW from Mashable. The article explains with step-by-step instructions and screen shots on how obtain Timeline before everyone else does. Right now the official release date of Timeline is unknown but Facebook sources have revealed that users should be able to opt into Timeline within the next two to four weeks.

Here is a screenshot of what my profile looks like now with Timeline:

I like to describe Timeline as my own personal yearbook. It includes all of the information, photos, status updated etc. that you have ever put on Facebook. It also gives you the option to add more details like the birth of a child, bought a house, etc.

The best part is that you can edit your Timeline to only include information that you want to share. So that unflattering or maybe inappropriate photo or status update from your freshman year of college year can be deleted.

The information section of your profile has also received a facelift. It is now much more structured and organized in chronological order.

Currently the Timeline feature is only going to affect the personal profiles on Facebook, but Mashable had a few ad agency’s imagine what fan pages might look like if Facebook decided to change them as well. The article, How Facebook Timeline Might Radically Change the Look of Brand Pages [PICS] includes 12 different screen shots of what brand pages could look like if they change to the Timeline layout as well.

Timeline is coming soon to a Facebook page near you, but if you just can’t wait and want a sneak peak of how your profile is going to look then this article How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline NOW from Mashable. The article explains with step-by-step instructions and screen shots on how obtain Timeline before everyone else does. Right now the official release date of Timeline is unknown but Facebook sources have revealed that users should be able to opt into Timeline within the next two to four weeks.

Here is a screenshot of what my profile looks like now with Timeline:

Do you have Timeline? Do you like the changes? Let us know in the comments section.

If you have suggestions for future Social Media News posts, want to be a guest blogger, ask questions or share thoughts, please feel free to email me. Thanks! – Laura


Facebook Changes: Subscribe, Lists, Ticker and More!

If you logged on to Facebook this morning then you know the whole layout of the site has been redesigned. We all know that Facebook changes on a regular basis, but this recent update is only the first of many to come according to this article from Mashable, Facebook to Launch “Major” Profile Redesign at f8. f8 is a conference taking place today in San Francisco for developers and innovators who are meeting to discuss Facebook. Parts of the event will be streaming live.

This video explains in simple terms a few of the most recent modifications to the site.

If you are interested in learning more about the subscribe feature, this article Facebook Subscribe Button: What it Means for Each Type of User from Mashable, breaks down the changes and how it may affect users. So whether you’re a Facebook “super user” or a grandmother trying to log on to see photos of your grandkids, the ability to “subscribe,” instead of “friend” may change the way you use Facebook.

Last but not least, earlier this month Facebook made life a lot easier for people creating a Facebook Page. According to You No Longer Need 25 Fans to Get a Custom URL. So instead of having a URL like this which no one can remember, it can become even though the page has less than 25 fans.

What do you think of the new Facebook redesign and subscribe feature? Let us know in the comments section.

If you have suggestions for future Social Media News posts, want to be a guest blogger, ask questions or share thoughts, please feel free to email me. Thanks! – Laura