Goodbye PowerPoint, Hello Prezi

by John Costello

Is your worst nightmare to be presenting in front of an audience who looks like they just finished a meal of turkey, warm milk, and a bottle of NyQuil? Did you spend your youth falling asleep in class, only to realize in the middle of a recent presentation that you’ve turned into that boring old professor?  Would you give an elbow patch off your tweed sportcoat to give an engaging, exciting presentation like those cool young Silicon Valley guys in their jeans and sneakers?

If you get the feeling that your audience is bored by your presentation, it might not be you that’s lulling them to sleep, it might be your PowerPoint.

More and more professionals are taking advantage of a PowerPoint alternative, Prezi. The constraints of a linear slideshow are removed in Prezi, allowing you to take total control of the structure, path, and animation of your presentation. This visually appealing platform makes it easy to zoom in and out on slides, insert video and pictures, and keep your audience’s attention.

“It’s a great way to make any presentation whether about ideas, statistics, or a process very visual and therefore more interesting to your audience,” says GCAi Media Director Mary Fallon. “Also, Prezi is easy-to-use with the ability to import media including PowerPoint slides, work collaboratively in real-time with coworkers, and present online or offline depending on your preference.”

Prezi can be useful not only for presentations in front of large audiences, but also in meetings, pitches, reports, and any other interaction in which visuals are needed. Using the Prezi app, GCAi uses Prezi on iPads and iPhones for everything from tutorials to statistical reports and everything in between.

The only problem we see is that if you use Prezi and your audience isn’t reacting like this…

Then the blame rests solely on your shoulders.

To see one of our Prezi’s and explore the platform yourself, CLICK HERE

Have you used Prezi yet?  Let us know! Feel free to email me – John